In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, David Cronenberg revealed that he would like to tell more complex stories than can be told in one film:
“I think that there are things you can do in the novel that you cannot do on a movie. I just came back from the Venice film festival, and I was on a panel with Spike Lee and some others, talking about the future of cinema. There was a lot of discussion about Netflix, and streaming series, and so on, and I was saying that I thought that was the future of cinema, and that it was really an interesting idea, the idea of doing a TV series, a streaming series.
… A movie is really more like a short story than a novel, and the complexity that you can get into in a series is really quite interesting.”
Sounds like we won’t be seeing an Eastern Promises sequel in the near future, but we’ll look forward to seeing Cronenberg’s next project. Read more in Clark Collis’s September 29th article at ew.com.