Five years have passed since shooting began on Peter Jackson’s “Lord of the Rings” movie trilogy. All who were part of the Fellowship of cast and crew have their memories of the experience of working on that ambitious production. All have their tangible tokens, their scars, their legacies of affection. Countless books could be filled with what we remember of the journey.
The following are but a handful of images to bring back a few unsung moments along the way. Surely others on the team will continue to make available their own images and recollections. With the greater Fellowship in mind, including all who were somehow changed by watching Peter Jackson’s “Lord of the Rings,” the following from J.R.R. Tolkien himself is offered:
“In sorrow we must go, but not in despair. Behold! We are not bound for ever to the circles of the world, and beyond them is more than memory. Farewell!”
Namárië —
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