Modern Films is releasing Viggo Mortensen’s new film, Falling, December 4, 2020, in the UK and Eire.

Modern Films is releasing Viggo Mortensen’s new film, Falling, December 4, 2020, in the UK and Eire.
This month marks the fourth anniversary of My dad, who has Alzheimer’s, moved in with me in mid-2006, so updates to have been sparse lately.
We’ve posted 43 captures of Viggo Mortensen in Eastern Promises to our new Eastern Promises page.
The Passion of Darkly Noon is now on DVD, and Ashley Judd & Viggo Mortensen are amazing. We’ve added screencaps and video clips.
Sorry to be away from the site for a while … have added a few links but many in the past month. I have some good news, though. Just took a job with a local web design firm, CORE Communications, which will be a great change from my very lonely 1-person home shop! 🙂 And […]
Several folks have asked when Alatriste will be released. We’ve updated the Alatriste page with dates from IMDb: Spain in October 2006, USA in December 2006. If you hear anything more definitive, please let us know. We’ve also added a few more photographs to the page.
See the new A History of Violence poster in our A History of Violence gallery.
The Crew is not one of Viggo Mortensen’s finer films, but it’s certainly memorable. Thanks to wwowie at LiveJournal for tipping us off to an official page posted by the producer, Cineville, with a large poster and some scanned news articles. Details on our The Crew page.
Found some great new high-resolution (1400×933) stills at, and added them to our A History of Violence page.
Just realized that it’s been almost a month since I posted on this page. This doesn’t mean the site hasn’t been updated — I’ve added and updated quite a few links throughout the site. A few things of note: most of the Hidalgo video clips were no longer available on the sites we’d linked to, […]
We’ve continued to add to our A History of Violence page over the past two post-Cannes weeks, including quite a few articles, quotes and images.
Some folks have reported problems downloading the Cannes Film Festival video clips, and I was unable to download the WMV files myself. So I have posted the RealMedia files for the press conference, interview/photo call, red carpet arrival and trailer on our A History of Violence page. If you know of another source for the […]
Added links to articles, photos and video clips (trailers and press conferences) to the A History of Violence page, more to come soon.
Thanks to wwowie and Sally for pointing out that El Capitán Alatriste is now available in English. I’ll be adding a link on the Alatriste page later today.
Had a productive weekend: posted 26 screen captures of Viggo Mortensen in The Prophecy and planted my vegetable garden.
Just checking error logs and discovered that the links were broken in the Christopher Walken Prophecy video clips. They’re fixed now – please do contact me if you see anything broken on the site.
Over the past few weeks, we’ve added video clips of Viggo Mortensen in Albino Alligator, Prison, Young Americans, and most recently The Prophecy, plus screen captures for Prison and Young Americans.
More photographs and links to articles on our Alatriste page. With Viggo Mortensen currently in Spain filming Alatriste, news and photos are coming out too fast for us to keep up! So we’ve pointed you to some forum threads that can keep you posted.
Sorry that the site was unavailable part of the day yesterday. Our bandwidth usage jumped again the past few days, and I am currently on a business trip so I didn’t catch it quickly enough and the account was temporarily suspended. Thanks to several donors, we have been able to increase our account limit and […]
After I added the new Viggo Mortensen video clips page last Friday night, our server traffic almost tripled overnight. We’ve finally acknowledged the need to ask for help in covering expenses.