Michael Phillips of the Chicago Tribune interviews Viggo Mortensen about the nature of the violence in Eastern Promises.

Michael Phillips of the Chicago Tribune interviews Viggo Mortensen about the nature of the violence in Eastern Promises.
Viggo Mortensen donated a signed copy of his latest book, SKOVBO, in support of fundraising efforts for 1,2,3…Hi Baby! at Pine Ridge, South Dakota.
After naming Viggo Mortensen as their readers’ Favorite Actor or Actress, CanMag got some pushback from fans of Gerard Butler. Here’s your chance to vote for your favorite.
From Row Three, one of the first images of Viggo Mortensen in the upcoming movie, The Road. Viggo plays “Father” in this film version of Cormac McCarthy’s novel.
Viggo Mortensen will be reading in Portland, Oregon, this Friday evening, May 16, 2008, as part of the Voices of a People’s History tour.
Viggo Mortensen can swing a broadsword as Aragorn or neatly fillet a Russian mobster. But off-screen, the Oscar contender is a life-giving force, playing big brother to a band of poets, painters, and searchers like him.
We’ve posted 43 captures of Viggo Mortensen in Eastern Promises to our new Eastern Promises page.
The Passion of Darkly Noon is now on DVD, and Ashley Judd & Viggo Mortensen are amazing. We’ve added screencaps and video clips.
Viggo Mortensen and David Cronenberg appeared on NPR’s Fresh Air to talk with Terry Gross about Eastern Promises.
From Friends on Board: Viggo Mortensen and Perceval Press have donated two autographed books to be auctioned for the OST Healthy Start (healthy babies) program at Pine Ridge Reservation. The first, The Horse is Good, is up for auction now at eBay. When that auction ends on Dec 2nd, 10 a.m. PST, the auction for […]
See this great article about Viggo Mortensen, Perceval Press, and Viggo’s next book, I Forget You for Ever (due in November), in the New York Times: link to article.
Viggo Mortensen is supporting the candidacy of Dr. Bob Johnson for New York’s 23rd Congressional District. Bob is a Democrat and challenger to incumbent John McHugh; McHugh is on the House Armed Services Committee and a big supporter of President Bush and the Iraq war. Viggo has made three campaign appearances with Johnson and has […]
Hope you are enjoying your day.
In case you missed Viggo Mortensen’s appearance on Charlie Rose, catch a video of his political comments at Crooks and Liars. A few quotes. “I think if [the people of Iraq] are left to take care of their own affairs, I think they’ll do better in the long run.” When asked if he thought the […]
John Howe’s recently published book, John Howe Artbook, features hundreds of illustrations, mostly from Tolkien’s works, and an eloquent introduction by Viggo Mortensen. Though the book is available only in French, John has posted an English translation of Viggo’s introduction. Thanks to Sienna of Thank You, Viggo for the tip!
We added a Viggo Mortensen Biography page with links to several other biographies available on the web.
Bernard Zuel writes in The Sydney Morning Herald: “They’re all modern, sophisticated – and besotted with a man most of them have never met and never will….”
Viggo appeared with Michael Moore and the musical group “goo goo dolls” to encourage Americans to vote for John Kerry for President. From Moore’s website: Viggo spoke about How we, as Americans, have to show the world who we really are on November 2nd so they can see that this is a fluke and this […]
Don’t miss the November 2004 issue of Premiere magazine with Tom Hanks on the cover; it has a gallery of Viggo’s behind-the-scenes photos from Lord of the Rings, plus a note from him and some fun anecdotes from the filming. You’ll find scans here at Brego.net. Caption for this photograph by Viggo Mortensen (right): “Some members […]
Women.com has a poll inviting women to pick the “hottest actor of them all” from a list of 12, including Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, and of course Viggo. Viggo is currently leading, with 32.47% of the vote. Depp is in 2nd with 26.66%. If you care, go vote!